Returns are easy with The Movie and TV Store, you can return most items within 30 days.
If you just changed your mind you can arrange a return. You must contact us within 30 days and we will refund the costs of the item purchase (minus shipping) . The merchandise must be in an unused condition, i.e t-shirts must not have been worn or washed, items should be in it's original packaging and in a saleable condition, We reserve the right to refuse a refund for merchandise that has been used and is no longer in a saleable condition. If your item had free shipping, the costs incurrred to us will be deducted from your return.
Some items may not be returned that were marked as no returns, clearance or on sale, if in doubt please contact us. Refunds will be issued as a store credit.
Replacements: If for some reason we ship you the wrong item or the item is defective let us know within 30 days and we'll pay for the shipping back and send out a replacement or refund if applicable.
Ebay/Amazon - If you purchased an item on these platforms you can choose to use their returns system - these are setup with the same policies. You can use either method whichever is the easiest although we do prefer if you return directly to us. Please call or email with any questions.
Send your returns to The Movie and TV Store (returns) 6300 North Wickham Rd, Suite 130 #117, Melbourne, FL, 32940
We highly recommend using a tracked service, for confirmation of delivery.